
One significant discovery that I have made is that discoveries can lead someone to change their point of view of different things in life. How people see things is very important. The way of people see things or their perspectives is the one thing that shape their choices, behavior, etc. The discovery I have made was shaped by the program called Go Back to Where You Came From. The producer help me in shaping the discoveries I have made by implementing various film techniques, language features, responses, etc. The producer of the program used camera angle, edited scenes, edited comment, to emphasize the one thing that they want their audience want to see most. The producer also use cliches, metaphors, proverbs, question, etc as the language feature to emphasize the moral values of life that was shown in the program. He also made the program to be interesting and gave the participants challenges so that the audience, including me, can relate the incidents in life and can come to the conclusions that discoveries are important. It helps the audience to see the world from the bigger picture.

Midnight Construction

The producers of the movie Go Back to Where You Came From aimed to show its audience that life is not always easy. Life is full of discoveries and they wanted to open the audience’s minds regarding the lives in this world.

In the second episode of Go Back to Where You Came From, the participants are ordered to go to Malaysia where there are thousands of refugees living there. They slept on a refugee camp for several days where there is only one bathroom for over 50 people, whether they are men women or children. All of the participants have to blend in with the refugees and live in the same building as they are. They are forced to sleep together with the refugees in small spaces without any pedestal. During the days there, the participants are grouped into two groups, women and mens. All the women have to work as teachers for the kids in the refugee camp, while all the men have to work in a open field where other refugees work. Refugees are forbidden to work in Malaysia, so they are forced to work illegally as construction laborer or peasant. All of the participant have to experienced all of these activities so that they can feel what it is like to live as refugees. From the refugee camp, the participant are brought to an institution that work as an exterminator of refugees. So after experiencing the hard life of refugees, all of the participants have to be the one who catch and arrest them. It is very interesting, how the producers shows the participant’s emotions during this episodes.

Go Back to Where You Came From is truly a unique TV show. It helps people to open their mind and eyes, to see the bigger picture of the world and how people survive to live. Through the second episode, the producer showed that all the participants are discovering. Raquel, one of the participant, is one of the most protrude participant due to her behavior. She develops that life is not always as easy as she thought. She realized that the world is full of people that came from different backgrounds and she have to be able to accept them. Racism is not an answer to her problems. She develop herself into chum with foreign people, even African. In this world, there are many people like Raquel. This movie helps them to realize that life is not always easy and we have to appreciate God’s gifts.

After watching the second episode of Go Back to Where You Came From, I valued my life better. I can reflect and be more appreciative towards all the blessing that has been given by God. I can also spread more love to my family, friends, and more especially to those who are in need of affection.

Process of Discovery

The producers of Go Back to Where You Came From shape a responder’s process of discovery by manipulating the audience through form and language.

The program very consciously manipulates the conventions of the filmic genres available to elicit particular reactions. Audience manipulation occurs from the opening. This can be seen where the narrator stated “from Day One their beliefs were challenged”, and “Tonight the immersion gets bolder”. Audience manipulation also occurs through the edited comments from participants as well as through the camera. The camera angle during particular scenes of the show showing hand held jumping as it follows the participants around catching refugees in Malaysia. There were also point of view shots when following participants and looking out bus window, quick movement and editing between people, etc. The camera’s angle (high and low shots) were also used by the producers to show refugees on floor and looking up to enhance the situation where the refugee lives more clearly to the responder. This manipulation also occurs through the editing of scenes. This was shown during the scenes where it showed conflict and reactions by fast editing from one person to another. This also can be seen during the editing of the wealthy city against the slums. These factors can affect and shape the responder’s process of discovery.

Other than these things above, there are several more techniques used by the producers to shape the responder’s process of discovery. Questions are one of the language features used in the program. By asking questions during the program, the producer allowed the audience to relate as their own questions about the issue being asked. Second feature is labels. The producer use labels to emphasize how people label something represents their value. It shows stereotypes. Connotation are also used to show the emotions than carry the impact of a word beyond its dictionary definition. In this text, metaphors and cliches are very effective to be used because they connect with the audience, not stand out as necessary figurative language, and typical in everyday speech. Short statements that make wise statements about life or also called as proverbs are used by the producer to emphasize the important life lessons showed in the program. The last language feature used  in the program is colloquial language which is the natural, everyday speech including the use of expletives.

The language features used by the producer of Go Back to Where You Came From to shape the responder’s process of discovery includes the use of questions, labels, connotations, metaphors, cliches, proverbs, colloquial language, camera angle, edited scenes, edited comments, etc. These techniques are being used to ease the responder in getting the messages given by he producer of the program.

Tujuan Hidup

Banyak orang berpendapat bahwa perempuan sebaiknya tidak berpendidikan terlalu tinggi karena akan sulit mencari suami. Akan tetapi, apakah pernyataan tersebut sepenuhnya benar? Saya akan berbagi pendapat melalui sudut pandang yang berbeda.

Di era yang sudah moderen ini, dapat dilihat bahwa banyak perempuan yang membangun karir mereka sendiri dan hal tersebut tentunya membutuhkan tingkat inteljen yang cukup tinggi. Sudah tidak sedikit keluarga yang kedua orang tua nya bekernya untuk mencari nafkah dan ada pula perkara dimana sang suami menjadi suami rumah tangga dan istri lah yang menjadi tulang punggung keluarga dalam hal finansial. Hal ini bukan lah hal yang istimewa dimata banyak orang sekarang ini dan hal ini pula lah yang membuat saya untuk memiliki sudut pandang yang berbeda dari kebanyakan orang yang menyatakan bahwa perempuan sebaiknya tidak berpendidikan terlalu tinggi agar mudah mendapat suami. Sebagai salah satu contoh adalah Kate Middleton, prinses yang telah mendapat gelar Duches of Cambridge di Inggris, isteri dari Pangeran William. Kate tidak berasal dari keluarga bangsawan, melainkan berasal dari keluarga biasa. Karena ia menjunjung pendidikan yang tinggi di St. Andrews University yang termasuk 20 universitas terbaik di dunia, Kate berhasil menemukan pasangan hidupnya, William, seorang pangeran di Inggris. Tanpa pendidikan yang tinggi, Kate tidak akan berhasil menemukan pasangan hidupnya yang juga merupakan orang terpelajar dan dihormati oleh seluruh dunia. Ia tidak akan berhasil menemukan sosok seorang suami yang pintar, menawan, dan berkelas.

Maka itu, pernyataan bahwa perempuan yang tidak berpendidikan tinggi akan lebih mudah mendapat suami tidak sepenuhnya benar. Banyak di luar sana, yang justru mendapatkan pasangan hidupnya saat sedang menuntut pendidikan yang tinggi, seperti Kate. Berpendidikan tinggi atau tidak, tidak boleh didasarkan oleh kemudahan mencari suami. Seseorang yang ingin menjenjang pendidikan yang tinggi tidak boleh dihalangi dengan alasan sulit mendapat suami, karena hal tersebut akan merubah tujuan hidup individu tersebut. Dari yang tadinya bertujuan untuk menjadi seorang yang terpelajar dan sukses, menjadi mencari suami.

Various Ways in Perceiving Discovery

One significant question regarding discovery appear in my head; what has shaped my assumptions and beliefs about discovery? First of all, assumption refers to preconceived ideas and ways of thinking. Each individual can uncover assumptions by considering the cultural and personal biases that every composer brings to the act of representation, and by questioning your own assumptions. My assumptions about discovery has shaped by the idea given my most people in my high school as well as from the prescriptions rubric for area of study discovery, given by my English teacher. This rubric explain in depth about the concept of discovery, it shaped my understanding about discovery.

My ideas about discovery has been reinforced by this area of study due to the lack understanding about discovery of mine. I have been given several handouts about discoveries, the teacher even showed the entire class several video clips regarding discovery with unique content so that the students can memorize it easily. One of the clips being showed called “Symphony of Science: The Poetry of Reality”. It consist several scientist who has done discoveries in their life and their discoveries turns out to be a life changer in the life of many people as well as increasing the knowledge of science. This can be a proof that discoveries indeed a fresh and intensely meaningful, confronting, and provocative.

It is important to understand one’s assumption about discovery since the ramification of particular discoveries can may differ for individuals and their worlds. An individual’s discoveries and their process of discovering can vary according to personal cultural, historical and social context and values. The impact of there discoveries can be far-reaching and transformative for the individual and the broader environment, that’s why it is important to understand one’s assumption about discovery. It can lead us into a better future.Placeholder Image

Assumption about Discovery

Discovery is the action or process of discovering or being discovered. It encompass the experience of discovering something for the first time or rediscovering something that has been lost, forgotten or concealed. It can be sudden and unexpected or even emerge from a process of deliberate and careful planning evoked by curiosity or wonder. It offer new understandings and renewed perceptions of ourselves and others. An individual’s discoveries can vary according to personal, cultural, and social context and values. The impact can be far-reaching and transformative for the individual and for broader society.

I have positive sense about discoveries, since it can be fresh and intensely meaningful in ways that may be emotional, creative, intellectual, physical, and spiritual, confronting, and provocative. Discoveries can lead us to new worlds and values, stimulate new ideas, and enable us to speculate about the future probabilities.

As I begin this area of study, I have no idea about what it is going to be and I was curious about what will be discussed further more by both the teachers and the students. But, once I got the rubric from one of my teacher, Mr. Joshua, I started to understand and have specific point of view regarding the concept of Discovery. I was excited in figuring out that discovery and the process of discovering can vary between each individuals. It is important for individuals and society because by exploring the concept of discovering, we can understand how text have the potential to affirm or challenge individuals.

My Strengths and Weaknesses as A Student

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Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses. Me, myself has developed my own strengths and weaknesses that I will share through this post, as well as my goals that I am aiming to achieve in this new semester. However, I know that I cannot let my weaknesses control me, otherwise I have to overcome it in order to be a better student.

I have succeed in year 11 in particular way since I am able to maintain my strengths through the year. I am aware that I am an easy learner, able to adapt well to the changing environment, have determination to reach my goals, and able to socialize and communicate well with my friends and teachers. I am a new student here in IICS, in my old school, I learned things in Bahasa, while in IICS, I need to adapt and learn things in English. It is a new thing for me and through the early year of grade 11, I did struggled. But I can adapt well to the changing environment and catch up with the subjects materials fast enough to be able to get pass through year 11 with good grades.I have determination to reach my goals, if I have certain goals to achieve, I will be focused on it and try my best to accomplish it no matter what. I like to socialize, I consider myself as a friendly easy going person which makes me to be able to survived through year 11 well. By socializing, I am able to communicate with the teachers as well as my classmates clearly and asked questions about the things  I do not understand regarding the materials of the subject  I to improve my performance academically.

Despite all of my strengths, I also have weaknesses that I have to overcome. It is hard for me to focus on one thing at a time and I always procrastinate things which hamper myself in year 11. I need to improve my self and change the way I studied in order to improve my performances in school. To be able to stop procrastinating, I have to push myself to do things by making strict schedules and obey it everyday. Prepare homework organizedly and review all the things I have been taught in school regularly according to the schedule.

In my opinion , the most significant factors that contributed to my success as a student is determination and commitment. With determination and commitment, all things can be achieved and we can overcome all of our weaknesses.

In order to improve myself, I have set certain goals to be achieve this semester. My goal is to overcome my weaknesses and put my ideas to action. I determine myself to make a daily schedule regarding the things I should do and done weekly and obey it strictly. I will manage myself in a certain way so that I can have a strong determination and study better.

The last important aspect in achieving good academic performances in school is the community we surrounded with. The community we surrounded with really affect our performances, that is why it is important to choose our friend wisely and maintain a  good relationship with teachers and friends. Listen to teacher’s advice and obey the rules. Support each other and exchange knowledge because friends is our comrade-in-arms.